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We have equipped our Head Office with a visitor centre and interactive showroom, which supports all of the visitors to Thomas Dudley to understand more fully our business. But especially the young students that attend throughout the year as this gives them an invaluable insight before they go on tour to the foundry and plastics divisions.
Our support of educational establishments has recently helped Dudley Academy Trust to start a plastic recycling project and 120 children from Beacon Hill Academy to trial alternatives to traditional work experience.
Land adjacent to our Tipton foundry was donated for building the Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills (ECMS), a unique facility that provides apprenticeship training in a range of traditional engineering disciplines.
Sponsorship of Black Country Living Museum provides funded school visits and we financially support a number of local boys and girls sports teams.
Partnerships are invaluable for Thomas Dudley and the people we work with, it shows dedication from both parties, we currently have strong partnerships with:
The support we give falls into the following areas:
We continually look at ways to support the future generation and are open to hearing ideas from local businesses and establishments.
Should you be interested in discussing any of the above content please contact Michele Bickerton People & Development Director – mbickerton@thoamsdudley.co.uk